A couple of months ago, our roommate left the comfy, hipster environs of Brooklyn for the friendly sands of Iraq. Although an avid gamer and champion of violent, anti-terrorist games, his move to the Middle East was not spurred on by political motivations or nationalistic pride, but rather an opportunity to gather once-in-a-lifetime experiences and stories. And, of course, there was the financial reward involved in this gold rush state of affairs. His plan, as it stands, is to return after about a year, with a hefty bank account and more than enough inspiration for another independent film. Either way, the spoils of war were there for the taking, all graciously sponsored by Halliburton.
The virtual land mine explosions and simulated gunshots shaking our roommate’s brain - and the wall between our respective rooms - will now be replaced by nothing less than the real thing. After blowing up “Tangos,” i.e., terrorists, like anti-terrorist hero Jack Bauer does on 24, our strategically minded friend is now looking over his shoulder instead of squinting at the pixilated screen. Although his adventures occur within the framework of reconstructing Iraq, he is like any soldier serving in the military in a war-torn, third world country, risking his life just by being there. His brother, currently serving over there, can certainly vouch for the risk.
Yes, we all doubted his sanity for jumping into one of the most dangerous situations in the world. He bought a one-way ticket to the land where suicide bombing is the preferred pastime. Is he brave? Insane? Greedy? Read these passages from this postcard he sent us, and judge for yourself.
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“Did someone say Tangos[?] I just bought a [Playstation 2] today. Everything here has been quiet last few days. It’s like a film set out here, with no cameras. Some people are working, some don’t do shit, but there are a few assholes to ruin your whole day.I was changing a few lightbulbs and smashing them, and yelling “Mazeltof.” [sic] Iraqis don’t like that too much. The 20 Iraqis I work with, I have been teaching them how to sing “She Blinded Me With Science,” “Do Run Run” and Nelly “It’s Getting Hot In Here.” You would shit your pants if you heard it.
I see you all voted for George Bush, good work.
There is tons of chaos and bullshit, and loud noise, so I’m having fun, and pushing myself to the limit. Tomorrow they are going to turn Fallujah into a cement rubble meat grinder. Hold the mayo! Payback is a bitch.
I’m chillin,’ and miss your insults and late payment notices. Tell the new guy some old stories over beers.