Too Sane
blog, Blogger, BLOGGEST

Since I started writing regularly years ago, I found that inspiration emerges whenever it wants. I write every day, but it may not always be interesting enough to share. But, if anything, the compulsive bloggers in a recent New York Times article make me feel better about myself! So click on that link for the dirt on the blog-obsessed. Or, if you don't feel like registering or logging in, you can also read the article at IHT.

On the other carpal tunnel syndrome-addled hand, a recent CNN article focused on dispelling the time-sucking myth. "The impression out there is that a lot of the blog activity is very feverish," said Lee Rainie, the Pew project's director. "That's not the case. For most bloggers, it's not an all-consuming, all-the-time kind of experience." Blog-slaves rejoice and read all about it at CNN.


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